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Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller Reviews

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Rating: 4.0
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Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller Overview:

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    Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller

    Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller Reviews
    Customer Reviews
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    3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars The Cadillac of all strollers!, March 3, 2012
    Amanda Rhoades (Newport, OR) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller (Baby Product)
    I am so in love with this stroller, it's amazing! Plenty of room for little ones! There are 6 cup/snack holders, I love the color/design, it folds down so compact, both seats recline the rear one all the way and the basket drops down so you don't have to bother a sleeping baby. I love the handles, and my 20 month old can get into his front seat on his own and he loves it too! The baby loves it too and my infant seat fits perfectly. I would suggest this stroller to anyone in the market for a great double stroller!
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    0 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars good, but....., March 19, 2012
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller (Baby Product)
    Great quality product, but just hate that if you have kids of different ages, the baby in the carseat has to sit ALL the way in the front. While the older kid sits in the back. You would think the Lil baby would be closet to mom. It doesn't feel safe to have the baby all the way on the front(out of moms reach). What if a lid runs by and hits the stroller? You can't get to the front fast enough. I rig this stroller so that my newborn in the back, closest to me and my two year old is in the front. By the way, my two year old went crazy when I put her in the back seat(where she's supposed to go) because she has NO room. She has a carseat in her face. And can't see her surroundings. Great quality product though. But just the seating situation, bothers me.
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    Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller, Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double StrollerGraco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller, Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double StrollerGraco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller, Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double StrollerGraco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller, Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double StrollerGraco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller, Graco Quattro Tour Duo Flint Double Stroller
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